MPP Group of Companies Relies on Virtual IT for Comprehensive IT Support

Founded in 1937 as Metals Protection Plating in Kansas City, Missouri, MPP Group of Companies (MPP) has become a stalwart in the metalworking industry, offering premier metal finishing services to various sectors including architecture, recreation, food service, and medicine. MPP is known for its commitment to production quality, product consistency, and expertise in environmental compliance. Led by President and Owner Ed Bozarth, MPP operates manufacturing facilities in Arizona, Texas, Illinois, and Missouri, with sales offices in Florida, Kansas, and California.

Over the years, MPP Group of Companies has become well known for its consistency and its commitment to excellence, innovation, and customer satisfaction. That reliability is an outgrowth of MPP’s culture and extends to the expectations MPP leadership have of their vendors and service providers. This is especially true when it comes to IT services.

Why IT Matters for MPP Group of Companies

IT services play a pivotal role in driving efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness across industries. For MPP Group of Companies, whose operations rely heavily on precision, quality, and timely delivery, robust IT infrastructure is a necessity.

Every aspect of MPP’s business, from manufacturing processes and customer service operations to administrative functions, hinges on seamless IT systems and network connectivity. Any disruption or downtime in IT services could have far-reaching implications, potentially leading to production delays, compromised quality, and customer dissatisfaction.

In addition to supporting day-to-day operations, IT services also play a crucial role in facilitating innovation, enhancing collaboration, and driving strategic decision-making within the organization. Whether it’s leveraging data analytics to optimize production processes or adopting advanced CAD/CAM software for design and prototyping, MPP relies on IT services to stay ahead of the curve and maintain its competitive edge in the market.

MPP Seeks the Perfect Fit for IT

Prior to signing on with Virtual IT, MPP received IT support from a large, corporate provider. While the unnamed firm offered a security platform and broad-ranging support, leadership at MPP were unsatisfied with their overall service and responsiveness. MPP Group of Companies set out to find a new IT partner, and began their search with Virtual IT.

In its quest for a reliable and proactive IT services provider, several factors led MPP to choose Virtual IT as their trusted partner. Ed Bozarth had worked with members of the current Virtual IT team in the past and was impressed with their proposal, “When they told us the time frame for transitioning to their IT platform, I was more than skeptical. But they beat that time frame and the transition was flawless.”

As MPP’s IT support needs have grown more urgent, so has the need for a more agile and customer centric provider who could deliver timely solutions and personalized support. Virtual IT would provide IT support for hardware, software and networks, along with immediate over-the-phone technical support as needed. This would represent a significant change, as MPP staff had been subject to lengthy wait times to have their technical issues resolved under the previous IT partner.

During their initial discussions, Virtual IT’s President, Brad Queck, outlined the unique value proposition that Virtual IT could offer MPP Group of Companies. Brad emphasized Virtual IT’s proficiency in all aspects of Office 365 and antivirus software, along with their unparalleled customer service ethos. Virtual IT’s promise of resolving a high percentage of support issues on the first call, backed by knowledgeable backline engineers, further underscored their commitment to delivering exceptional service and support. Impressed by Virtual IT’s technical expertise and customer-centric approach, MPP Group of Companies made the decision to partner with Virtual IT for their IT services.

The Right Approach from Virtual IT

Recognizing the critical role that IT plays in MPP Group of Companies’ operations, Virtual IT devised a comprehensive suite of solutions tailored to meet their unique needs and challenges.

Proactive IT Management:
Virtual IT has implemented proactive IT management strategies to anticipate and mitigate potential issues before they could disrupt MPP’s operations. This approach includes regular monitoring of MPP’s network, hardware, and software systems to identify and address any anomalies or vulnerabilities promptly.

Cybersecurity Measures:
Given the sensitive nature of MPP’s business data and the constant threat of cyberattacks, Virtual IT implemented robust cybersecurity measures to safeguard MPP’s digital assets. This includes deploying advanced antivirus software, firewall protection, and intrusion detection systems to prevent unauthorized access and data breaches.

Endpoint Security Solutions:
Virtual IT provides comprehensive endpoint security solutions to protect MPP’s network endpoints, including desktops, laptops, and mobile devices. This includes deploying endpoint protection software, encryption tools, and access controls to ensure the security and integrity of MPP’s data.

Cloud Services and Integration:
Virtual IT leveraged cloud-based solutions to enhance MPP’s operational efficiency and scalability. By migrating certain workloads and applications to the cloud, Virtual IT enabled MPP to access their data and applications securely from anywhere, while also reducing infrastructure costs and increasing flexibility.

24/7 Support and Helpdesk Services:
Virtual IT offers round-the-clock support and helpdesk services to ensure that MPP’s IT issues are addressed promptly and efficiently. Whether MPP’s staff encounters technical challenges during business hours or outside regular office hours, Virtual IT’s team of experts is available to provide timely assistance and resolution.

By implementing these tailored solutions, Virtual IT has empowered MPP Group of Companies to optimize their IT infrastructure, enhance their cybersecurity posture, and streamline their operations. With Virtual IT as their trusted IT partner, MPP can focus on their core business objectives with confidence, knowing that their technology needs are in capable hands.

“We’ve had nothing, even minor, that’s caused a shutdown for our systems and that’s huge for our peace of mind.”

-Ed Bozarth
MPP Group of Companies

MPP’s Commitment to Improvement Yields Rewards in IT Support

Since partnering with Virtual IT, MPP Group of Companies has experienced improvements in their IT infrastructure, cybersecurity posture, and overall operational efficiency. The transition to Virtual IT’s IT management solutions has led to enhanced reliability and stability of their systems, minimizing downtime and disruptions. Virtual IT’s robust cybersecurity measures have fortified MPP’s defenses against cyber threats, ensuring the safety of their sensitive data.

But most importantly, entrusting their IT needs to Virtual IT has provided MPP teams with peace of mind, knowing that their technology infrastructure is in capable hands. Positive feedback from MPP’s key stakeholders reflects satisfaction with Virtual IT’s prompt response times, knowledgeable support staff, and reliable IT solutions.

The partnership between MPP Group of Companies and Virtual IT has proven to be transformative, empowering MPP to navigate the complexities of the digital landscape with confidence and efficiency. As MPP continues to thrive with the support of Virtual IT, they help make the case that a steadfast and personalized approach to IT support can make a significant difference in achieving organizational success.

If your business is seeking reliable, responsive, and tailored IT solutions to drive growth and innovation, we invite you to partner with Virtual IT. Together, we can navigate your ever-evolving IT support needs, overcome challenges, and unlock new opportunities for your business. Reach out to Virtual IT today.

“If you’re looking for somebody to manage your IT department, call Virtual IT. They’re very responsive, knowledgeable, and easy to work with should an issue ever arise.”

-Nicki Renteria
MPP Group of Companies

Ready to Partner with an IT Professional?

We would love to tell you more about how we can work with you to take your business to the next level. When you’re ready to take the next step, reach out to our team by calling (844) 355-4007 or by engaging with our live chat rep.


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